Public Holidays in Amsterdam
If you visit Amsterdam and the rest of the Netherlands on a public holiday, it is likely that some or most of the tourist attractions and museums are closed; however, you will enjoy a very special atmosphere.
Bank holidays in Amsterdam:
- New Year’s: 1 January
- Easter Monday (Tweede Paasdag): First Monday after Easter
- King’s Day (Koningsdag): 27 April. This public holiday celebrates the birth of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, it is celebrated on the 26th. All the inhabitants wear orange and the cities organize large flea markets. The trams in Amsterdam are free on King’s Day.
- Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag): 5 May. Liberation Day commemorates the surrender of Nazi Germany on 5 May in 1945.
- Ascension Day (Hemelvaartsdag): Date varies
- Pentecost Monday (Tweede Pinksterdag): Date varies
- Christmas Day (Eerste Kerstdag): 25 December
- Boxing Day (Tweede Kerstdag): 26 December