Dutch language
The national language of the Netherlands is Dutch and is spoken by nearly 40 million people in the world. Learn how to say some essential words in Dutch here!
Most of the inhabitants of Amsterdam and Holland speak extremely good English because of the proximity of both languages, so English-speaking visitors will have no problem getting along in their own language in restaurants, museums and other landmarks.
Even though you can get by in English, this is a list of useful Dutch words in case you want to learn the basics.
Basic expressions in Dutch
- Hello
- Hallo / Hoi
- Goodbye
- Tot ziens
- Good morning
- Goedemorgen
- Good afternoon
- Goedenavond
- Good night
- Goedenacht
- Please
- Alstublieft
- Thank you
- Dank u
- Excuse me
- Excuseer mij
- I'm sorry
- Het spijt me
- How are you?
- Hoe maak je?
- Very good, thank you
- Goed, dank u
Useful words
- Yes
- Ja
- No
- Nee
- What is your name?
- Hoe heet je?
- Zero
- Nul
- One
- Een
- Two
- Twee
- Three
- Drie
- Four
- Vier
- Five
- Vijf
- Six
- Zes
- Seven
- Zeven
- Eight
- Acht
- Nine
- Negen
- Ten
- Tien
In the restaurant
- Beer
- Bier
- Starters
- Starters
- Soup
- Soepen
- Main dish
- Hoofdgerechten
- Meat
- Vlees
- Pork
- Varken
- Veal
- Koe
- Chicken
- Kip
- Turkey
- Turkije
- Duck
- Duck
- Vegeterian
- Vegetarisch
- Fish
- Vis
- Cheese
- Kaas
- Chips
- Patat